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更新时间:2025-02-02 23:58 阅读量:128

Tell me the talesThat to me were so dear, 请你给小编讲那亲切的故事

Long, long ago,Long, long ago; 多改睁年以前,多年以前

Sing me the songsI delighted to hear, 请你给小编唱那动人的歌曲

Long, long ago,Long ago. 多年以前,多年前

Now you have come, All my grief is removed,你既然来了,小编的一切悲伤都删除,

Let me believe That you always be here, 让小编相信你一直在这里

Do you remember The path where we met, 可记得小编们相会的那条路

Long, long ago,Long, long ago? 多年以前,多年以前

Ah yes you told meYou would not forget, 你告诉小编你将永不忘怀

Long, long ago,Long ago. 多年以前,多年冲歼扒前

Then, to all others My smile you preferred, 小编的微笑能使你常留恋

Love, when you spoke,Gave a charm to each word, 爱,当你说话的时候,给每一个字魅力,

Still my heart treasuresThe praises I heard, 你每句话都打动小编心弦

Long, long ago,Long ago. 多年以前,多年前。

Now you have come,All my grief is removed, 你既然来了,小编的一切悲伤都删除

Let me forget Just as long as I could, 让小编忘记你只要小编能,

Let me believe That you always be here, 让小编相信你永远在这里Long, long ago,Long ago. 多年以散昌前,多年前。

Tell me the tales that to me were so dear


Long, long ago; long, long ago.


Sing me the songs I delighted to hear


Long, long ago; long ago.


Now you are come, all my grief is removed


Let me forget that so long you have roved


Let me believe that you love as you loved


Long, long ago; long ago

Do you remember the path where we met?


Long, long ago; long, long ago

Ah yes, you told me you never would forget


Long, long ago; long go

Then to all others, my smile you preferred


Still my heart treasures the praises I heard




Though by your kindness my fond hopes were raised


You, by more eloquent lips have been praised


But by long absence your truth has been tried


Still to your accent I listen with pride


Blest as I was when I sat by your side



tell me the tales

that to me were so dear,

long, long ago,

long, long ago;

sing me the songs

i delighted to hear,

long ago.

now you have come,

all my grief is removed,

let me forget

just as long as i do,

let me believe

that you always be here,

do you remember

the path where we met,

long, long ago?

that's when you told me

you would not forget,

then, to all others

my smile you preferred,

love, when you spoke,

gave a charm to each word,

still my heart treasures

the praises i heard,

just as long as i could,